Saturday, July 14, 2012

Open source in Vietnam with the dream of reaching out to the world

After having won three Talents Vietnamese 2011, open source development, NukeViet keeps assert firmly in the open source community and determined to become a well known source in the world.

Award-winning talents Vietnamese was first launched in 2005 and is the most prestigious award in the field of IT & T. In the past 8 years, there have been many innovations and expanded several fields such as science and medicine. Awards have discovered hundreds of talents and honor and became a playground for those who love it, at the same time contribute to honour the creative spirit, cheer, serving useful for socio-economic development.

Point especially after won the talents of land, these products have been increasingly broad application in life, many products confirmed his brand on the domestic and international markets. Including to product "open source NukeViet"-won Three NTĐV 2011.

Open source products received Three NTĐV NukeViet 2011.
Therefore, to look back at the development of award-winning NukeViet after one year, electronic Newspaper reporter had interviewed him VnMedia Nguyen the Hung-Director of open source development joint stock company (VINADES, JSC).

Please, he said, since after March 2011, NTĐV award-winning product "open source NukeViet" has been further developed?

While attending NTĐV 2011, "open source NukeViet is free products for the community. Does this product line is still maintained and has attracted a lot of users, nearly 4000 site is using open source software NukeViet. In the past year, we also released the next version and had 3 new versions. Three versions of this development from the source platform included Portal NukeViet is free for education, building your words and information portal for business. This is a very open so the unit deployment can automatically adds new features to suit the actual needs of the unit.

Show the world there are many open source tools to develop websites, like Joomla! or Wordpress ... So if you compare this with the open-source NukeViet is what point does stand out?

Each product has a separate advantages and reasons to exist, as well, also NukeViet strengths of its own that for users that is easy to use, especially for free. It is considered one of the greatest advantages of NukeViet compared to other well-known source in the world.

Could you share some reviews of open source communities at home and abroad for this product?

NukeViet received pretty good feedback from users at home and abroad. Especially the free ones abroad. They enjoyed this product and found them very easy to use and clear. Individual leadership of education also confirmed that information, product NukeViet has been widely used in education and the teachers and students are preferred.

Currently NukeViet has been used overseas and get relatively good support. For example, separate system NukeViet being a hosting provider sponsored foreign collaboration and hosting system completely. This is a huge collaborative program on hosting. In addition, we now have 3 to 4 service providers in foreign countries are setting up systems hosting server dedicated NukeViet. It demonstrates, International has admitted NukeViet.

So VINADES will have development plans of how to put NukeViet became a well-known open source?

Before entering the final 2012 NTĐV, VINADES will launch of system NukeViet Store-i.e. the system repository for open source applications NukeViet. Warehouse application supports both English and Vietnamese. Everyone who visits around the globe if using NukeViet can access this application to download that application of use for NukeViet. This is called the international app stores provide services globally.

Since after the Vietnamese won in Talent in 2011, VINADES has how to products that are applied more widely?

The goal of VINADES participating in the award of talents is to promote NukeViet Land, as this is a free product should almost no funding for promotion of a product. When NTĐV, we will almost be promoted free for this product. It is also an advantage for these products by participating in this prestigious award.

This year, VINADES empty participation award NTĐV 2012 or not?

We will deliver the product "information portal for education" to attend NTĐV 2012. This is one of the physical product philosophy is open source for mass education. Thus, we will be integrating a lot of applications for this product and hope it will be introduced more widely in education, at the same time serve the purpose of learning of the pupils and students.

He would thank and wish to continue reaching beyond NukeViet!

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