Mobile devices as well as fortunes, both the curse for social network Facebook when subjected to pressure to make money from Wall Street and investors.
Method of advertising Offers is being tested on Facebook Mobile.
All for mobile
In the capital of Facebook in Menlo Park (USA), a mobile device that appears all over the place: visitors must register on the iPad at the reception desk; employees use the iPad to pay at the coffee and use the company's messaging system allows to display a message on both mobile and PC instead of emailing.
Mobile obviously always in mind Facebook, especially when people are increasingly spending time using the Facebook application on mobile than PC. And when Wall Street as well as institutional investors pressured for money up Mark Zuckerberg-the General Director of the young, the process of switching to a smaller world with mobile phones and computers are speeding up the table as possible.
However, the challenge for Facebook, as well as several other companies started from the web such as Google, is to figure out the best way to bring advertising to mobile users without them is outraged because puppet display. Currently, mobile ads for revenue lower than the advertised web site, so switch to mobile implicit threats to erode Facebook's revenue. Leaders of Facebook said the company is get so deep into mobile, starting with a new app for the iPhone and iPad not long ago.
Users have complained a lot about applications, more than half of users only for "1 Star" when evaluating the Facebook application for the iPhone. New applications faster because it was rewritten by the original programming language of Apple devices, alternative technology web background used in the older version. They are part of the company's priorities shifted into "mobile first" that leaders of Facebook.
Goku find their way into the small screen world
Richard Greenfield-Analyst research firm BTIG's media described mobile as well as blessing as curse for Facebook. Advertisers want their ads to receive an easy on the smaller screen, such as a mobile phone or Tablet PCs, while they cause nuisance to the user. When Facebook released its stock to the public for the first time, the company also ranked "the rise of mobile" is potentially at risk because had not yet discovered a clear strategy to make money on the phone and the computer table.
Gokul Rajaram – Director of product advertising in Facebook-share strategy largely focusing on the story were funded. For example, when users click on "Like" (preferred) a Facebook page of business, few of them will see the message about this when they visit the site; However, if the sponsor button "Like", the message will show up new News Feed circuit of most friends, on both the mobile device and the website. This program began in February, 2012 and grossed 1 billion revenue each day for Facebook, including half from mobile users.
A method of advertising the new Facebook is testing the Offers. Accordingly, the company posted offer compelling Facebook account, if you "Like" or comment, the message will show up in the veins of many friends over.
Melissa Parrish-marketing analyst firm Forrester Research's mobile said that the problem with Facebook or any Web company does move to mobile is thought mobile advertising must be less than. The story sponsored by Facebook is just a small step in mobile innovation, and companies should take advantage of the data locations or connection continuity of smartphone.
In addition to "overhaul" iPhone app, iPad, Facebook is cooperating closely with Apple in iOS 4 operating system version coming soon. This fall, the iOS 4 will appear, integrated Facebook features inside: iPhone users can share photos directly from photo gallery to Facebook, or using Siri-Assistant voice on the iPhone-to update status.
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