Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The new features in version Firefox 15

In addition to bug fixes and improved in terms of speed, you'll see there's not much change in versions of Firefox.
Developers, on the other hand can enjoy the complements the HTML5 element; <audio> and <video> support the play, <source> can now be used for media properties and supports audio Opus.

The previous version of Firefox 14 has supported full screen mode (full screen) for Mac users that allows you to choose Enable plug-ins, add Google search better encoding and support for the game. And in Firefox 15 has added support for HTML 5, a new look at the bar element inspector and design a tool to meet.
1. Open Options on a tab
Firefox seems designed primarily for features such as Downloads, Options, and Bookmarks should be opened on a door
separate while the main browser window is reserved for sites ... Firefox 15 changed by allowing users to view the options in the Options as a tab in the main window, it is similar to the settings tab in Chrome. However, this feature is turned off by default, and to enable it you need to open the configuration page (about: config) and find the browser.preferences.InContent, double-click the mouse on it to enable (set value is True) and feature Options will open in a tab.
2. Faster Debugger
The latest version also boasts features Faster Debugger. According to Mozilla's official website, this means that JavaScript applications will run faster on Firefox permanently compared with the old version 15. SpiderMonkey's interface has been redesigned and its impact on the Debugger has been significantly increased; This is also similar to Firebug.
3. Element Inspector
Mozilla Firefox toolbar element inspector had brought in a couple of previous version back, and with 15 they've done more Frefox is a new addition. Now, you can view the size of an object in full and complete the height, width, buffer, ... This is not just to give you an idea about an element will occupy an area of how much, but will also make you easier to add and see your changes any properties that apply to a specific audience.
4. Tools Responsive Design
Firefox 15 has added a new tool for testing the design meet. As opposed to having to resize the browser window, this new tool-Responsive Design Tool, making the site can change size within the browser window. To activate this tool, your Web Developer Tools and select Responsive Design Tool (Ctrl + Shift + M). You can drag the lower right corner of the page to change the size of the site and/or select a predefined size from the drop down menu in the top left corner. The site can also be rotated turn easily on request from the user.
5. Tabs On Top are disabled
If you've always keep tabs on top, this new version may be somewhat inconvenient because of the option Tabs on Top has been disabled to enable it, go to about: config, find browser.tabs.onTop and double-click to activate it (Setup value is False).

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