Friday, July 6, 2012

Google and Apple removes malicious sophisticated of applications

Find and Call, the application has existed legally on Google Play and the App Store has been removed after Kaspersky found out that this is a trojan that is capable of collecting contacts users to distribute spam messages.

After discovering the problem, Kaspersky has warned against Google and Apple about the presence of malicious code on their app store.

Fake applications mentioned above require users to register your email address and phone number, then offer search features from the friends list of the user. However this stolen data to unauthorized and sent to a remote host.

Then the software will use the user's behalf to send spam messages containing links to download malicious applications, to the contacts in the phonebook. "Or in other words, people are going to get spam messages from a trusted source," Kaspersky's report said.

This is even malicious access both accounts for social networking, email and Paypal's victims.

A piece of source code and Call on Android. Photo: Kaspersky.
However, the author of Find and Call for its application are in the testing phase and has "encountered in a number of elements", and that "this error is being repaired".

The malicious code to hide the ball application nothing strange on Google Play, however this is the first time the App Store having this case. It shows the safe from online applications which Apple keep the last 5 years has been wobbly.

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